Course curriculum

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    Intro to Psi Dev

    • Welcome to Intro to Psi Dev!

    • Psi Dev Mindset

    • What are Psychic Abilites

    • Psychic Sight

    • Psychic Hearing

    • Psychic Feeling

    • Psychic Knowing

    • Secondary Psychic Abilities: Smell, Taste, Touch & Telepathy

    • Ways to Develop Your Psi Abilities

    • How We Teach Beginner Psi Dev

    • How Psi Abilities Tend to Open

    • Psi Reading Best Practices

    • Frequently Asked Questions

    • Advanced Psi Dev

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    Psi Dev Topics

    • The Following Lessons Are Sealed With Angelic Magick

    • Intro to Psi Dev Topics

    • Altered States of Consciousness

    • Animal Communication

    • Atlantis & Lumeria

    • Aura Reading

    • Body Being

    • Business Intuition

    • Channeling, Automatic Writing & Spirit Art

    • Defense Against the Dark Arts

    • Divine Guidance

    • Elemental Spirits of Air, Earth, Water, Fire, Ether

    • Exterrestrials aka Light Beings

    • Faery Realm, Middle Earth & Other Realms

    • Health/Medical Intuition

    • Life Plan, Life Purpose, Life Path & Lightwork

    • Magick & Mystism

    • Magickal Human Types Diagram

    • Meditation

    • Out-of-Body Travel

    • Past Lives & Parallel Lives

    • Plant/Tree Communication

    • Premonitions

    • Psychic Angel Communication

    • Psychic Detective

    • Psychic Historian

    • Psychic Mediumship

    • Psychic Medium: Crossing Over Earth Bound People

    • Physical Medium

    • Psychic Reading

    • Psychic Symbolism

    • Remote Viewing

    • Sacred Contracts/Agreements & Spiritual Relationships

    • Sacred Sex [Optional]

    • Space Clearing

    • Spiritual Awakening

    • Spiritual Awakening: A Psychic's Story, Episode 62 [Optional]

    • Spiritual Discernment

    • Spiritual Healing: Angel Work

    • Spiritual Healing: Reiki & Laying-on Hands

    • Spiritual Life Coach

    • Spiritual Teaching: Short Talk

    • Spiritual Teacher: Long Talk [Optional]

    • Spiritual Support Teams (SST)

    • Spiritual Support Team - Meditation

    • SST - Meet Your STT Meditation

    • Telepathy

    • The Soulmate Breath

    • Time Stream Jumping

    • Using Focus Tools

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    • Congrats! You've completed this class!